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Manual Therapy

Offered Only during In-person visits (Clinic/Office or Mobile/House call)

Manual Therapy is a subset of Physical therapy. It is one of the tools that physical therapists use for Assessment and Treatment.

It is a Skilled Hands-on Treatment Technique intended to induce tissue relaxation, promote joint mobility, to enhance blood circulation, to increase soft tissue extensibility, to release scar tissue, to perform neuromuscular reeducation, to assist with lymphatic drainage, to reduce inflammation/swelling, to modulate pain, to decrease movement restriction, and/or to improve range of motion of the joint complex.


It is a specialized treatment technique performed using hands and sometimes, using certain tools (IASTM) depending on the goal to be accomplished. 


It may include:

-> Myofascial Release

-> Joint Mobilizations

-> Muscle Energy Techniques

-> Active Release Techniques

-> Passive Range of Motion

-> Neuromuscular Reeducation

-> Soft Tissue Mobilization

-> IASTM (Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization) 


At Quintessence Physical Therapy, we will choose the techniques that are appropriate for your complaint and will be applied based on what would be best for your specific condition.

 It can be utilized for Orthopedic cases, Post-surgical cases, Chronic pain cases, Acute Pain and also for Pelvic Health conditions to provide relief.

Research has shown that Manual Therapy when complemented by specific individualized Exercise Prescription leads to great outcomes.


Image by Toa Heftiba

Find out more about how our services can help you.

Manual Therapy: Services
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